Our graduates seamlessly progress to the finest public and private schools.
Graduates of First Step continue to be the finest public and private schools. First Step plays a vital role in supporting our graduates’ transition from preschool to elementary school.
Our Outplacement Plan begins with the premise that each child is unique and has his/her own learning style and needs. During their preschool years we take great care to learn about each of our students and to appreciate their strengths, disposition, and academic abilities.
Each year, during the full semester, parents are invited to our Ongoing Schools Seminar. This informative and reassuring seminar outlines the ongoing schools process to make the choice of public and private Schools. The school administration meets one on one with each family to offer attention and direction in navigating parents through this important process, from choosing the most suitable schools for their child to how to support their young child throughout testing and interviews.
First Step graduates are prepared, recognized and appreciated by ongoing schools. They attend a variety of schools including public and private schools. Families choose single sex, traditional, progressive, art based and religious schools – in short, those schools that best suit their learning goals. As a result of First Step alumni’s track record of academic achievement and character development, First Step developed strong relationships with public and private schools.